
[Cafe] Cafe Paulista / Ginza / Spend time at a cafe over 100 years old!

Hello! I’m Anchan!

This article will introduce a cafe called “Cafe Paulista” in Ginza, Tokyo.

This cafe was started in 1911, so I guess it is the oldest of these cafes around Ginza.

Because the cafe is over 100 years old!!

Why don’t you spend your special time at a traditional cafe?

How do you spend time at a traditional cafe?

You can find a characteristic signature when you walk from Shimbashi or Ginza station.

cafepaulista_exteriorCharactaristic logo mark

There are the first floor and the second floor at the cafe, you will have a comfortable time.

It’s a cafe that has been around for a long time, so some famous Japanese people have been there.

For example, famous authors and John Lennon.

cafepaulista_interiorThe first floor is good atmosphere

If you have a cup of coffee at a traditional cafe, you will be able to have a very fun time.

cafepaulista_coffeeThe specialty coffee
created by Rinker
(2025/02/22 05:43:55時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

Various menus you can’t choose one

You can choose breakfast from many kinds

I often visit the cafe in the morning because the cafe opens from the morning while other cafes aren’t open yet.

You can see eight kinds of breakfast menu outside, so you might be happy before entering the cafe.

cafepaulista_breakfastmenuYou can choose from many kinds of breakfast

A tuna flakes toast tastes rich.

It has a crispy toast and a lot of tuna flakes.

(I guess the tuna flakes are dressed with mayonnaise.)

cafepaulista_tunatoastTuna flakes toast with coffee

A pizza toast with green pepper, cheese and ketchup has a really good taste and appearance.

cafepaulista_pizzatoastThis is a pizza toast

And you can choose a quiche like a tarte, scone and muffin.

It’s rare to be able to choose them at a cafe in Japan.

cafepaulista_quicheYou can also choose a quiche

There are many kinds of breakfast, so you might not be able to decide what to choose when you go there for the first time.

Maybe you should try asking a staff if you can’t decide what to order.

My recommendation is also Sachertorte

There are a lot of menus in addition to breakfast menus at the cafe.

So you can have a good time whenever you visit.

If you can’t decide when to visit, I recommend you should visit there as snack time.

My recommendation is Sachertorte which is a chocolate cake from Austria.

The cake has raspberry jam inside the cake and attaches whipped cream.

cafepaulista_sachertorteSachertorte which is a chocolate cake from Austria

It matches a coffee, of course, you will enjoy eating cake and have a nice afternoon.

Let’s go to “Cafe Paulista” and enjoy your time!

I introduced the cafe called “Cafe Paulista” in Ginza, Tokyo.

I hope you will go there many times and have a variety of breakfast and delicious cakes.

What breakfast do you choose at the cafe?

Cafe Paulista

AddressNagasaki center Building 1F, 8-9-16 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
AccessShimbashi Station – 5 minute walk (JR Line)
HoursMon.-Sat. 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sun. 11:30 a.m.- 7:00 p.m.
Closed dayNone
Free wifiNone
SmokingNon Smoking
English menuOK
English speaking staffUnknown
BudgetBreakfast : 730yen-
Sachertorte(coffee set) : 1,220yen
Name in Japaneseカフェーパウリスタ

* Opening hours and regular holidays may differ from those listed.

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